Resistance to social influence

Cards (10)

  • What is social support?

    Means having a 'buddy' who also refuses to conform to incorrect answers. This makes it easier for individuals to resist the powers of social influence and behave independantly.
  • How did Asch investigate resistance to social influence?

    In one of his variations one of the actors gave the correct answer every time. The rate of conformity to incorrect answers dropped to 5%.
  • What did Aschs variation mean?

    If a person has real social support, they are more likely to resist pressure to conform.
  • How did Milgram use variations to investigate obedience?

    The teacher was given a 'buddy' (actor) who sat next to them and refused to continue. This caused obedience levels to fall to less than 10%.
  • What is Locus of control?

    The extent to which individuals believe how much control they have over their lives.
  • What is Internal locus of control?

    you believe you can control your own destiny - they take responsibility for themselves.
  • What is external locus of control?

    Belief that there lives are controlled by something outside of themselves (God,Luck and Fate) - they do not take responsibility.
  • How did holland investigate locus of control?

    He repeated Milgrams study and measured weather pps were internal or external. 37% of internals stopped and were resistant. 23% of externals were resistant.
  • What is the contradictory research for locus of control? (Twenge)

    Twenge analysed locus of control studies and found that over 40 years, people became more resistant but more external. Not supporting the theory as modern life makes it more difficult to be in control.
  • What is the contradictory research for locus of control? (Schurz)

    Schurz instructed pps to inflict ultrasound stimulation to the learner. 56 pps took part and 80% went to the end which was not expected. Suggesting locus of control is not a valid explanation of resistance to obedience.