Cards (111)

  • What does Christianity teach should be the foundation of family life?
    The Church
  • Why do most Christians believe marriage is important?
    Because it is a significant aspect of family life
  • What do some Christians believe about the creation of male and female?
    They believe God made them to complete each other and procreate
  • What is the range of views towards homosexuality within Christian denominations?
    There are differing views
  • What does the Bible teach about human equality?
    All humans are equal
  • What do views differ on regarding men and women in Christian worship?
    The roles of men and women
  • What is the purpose of the Christian family according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church?
    • The family is the original cell of social life.
  • What is a key purpose of family for many Christian couples?
  • What often happens to children born to Christians?
    They are often baptized
  • How do most Christians view the family as an institution?
    As an important institution
  • How do Christian teachings refer to God?
    As the Father, creator, and sustainer of all living things
  • What do many Christians believe family relationships reflect?
    God’s parental care for all humanity
  • What do Christians look to for guidance on family relationships?
    The Bible
  • What do the Ten Commandments instruct Christians to do regarding their parents?
    To appreciate and respect their parents
  • What does Exodus 20:12 instruct Christians to do?
    Honour your father and your mother
  • What are the three main purposes of the Christian family?
    1. To provide a secure environment through marriage
    2. To procreate
    3. To raise children in the Christian faith
  • What do many Christians believe about marriage?
    It is a commitment for couples to love and support each other
  • What does Jesus say about loving one another?
    “Love one another: just as I have loved you”
  • What does Genesis 1:28 instruct regarding procreation?
    To be fruitful and multiply
  • How do many Christians interpret the command to "Be fruitful and multiply"?
    As a command to marry and have children
  • What do Proverbs 22:6 encourage Christians to do?
    To bring their children up in their faith
  • What do Christian teachings say about marriage?
    It is a gift from God and a covenant
  • How do many Christians view the love between a married couple?
    As reflecting the sacred love Christ has for the Church
  • What are the different understandings of marriage within Christian denominations?
    • To honour God by following His command
    • To have children as a gift from God
    • A public sign of commitment in Roman Catholicism
  • What does Matthew 19:4-6 say about marriage?
    A man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife
  • How do many Christians view children in marriage?
    As a gift from God
  • What does Psalm 127:3 say about children?
    Children are a heritage from the Lord
  • What does the Roman Catholic Church teach about the sacrament of marriage?
    It is a public sign of total commitment
  • What does the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1604 state about marriage?
    God himself is the author of marriage
  • Is polygamy accepted in the UK?
    No, it is illegal
  • Which denominations allow polygamy?
    Lutheran Christians and The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
  • What is divorce?
    A legal process that ends marriage
  • What did Jesus teach about divorce and remarriage?
    Anyone who divorces and remarries commits adultery, except for sexual immorality
  • What does Matthew 19:9 say about divorce?
    Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery
  • What do most Christians think about divorce?
    They do not undertake it lightly
  • What does the Roman Catholic Church teach about divorce?
    It does not recognize divorce
  • When can a marriage end according to Roman Catholic teaching?
    When one partner dies or if there are grounds for an annulment
  • What do all Christian denominations allow regarding widows and widowers?
    They can remarry
  • What does Timothy 5:14 say about younger widows?
    They should marry and have children
  • What has caused debate in Christian organizations regarding same-sex relationships?
    The legal changing of the definition of marriage in the UK