muscle structure

Cards (10)

  • skeletal muscle
    • form fibres which are multinucleated
    • movement
    • postural support
    • heat production
    • found all over the body - body contains 400 skeletal muscles
    • voluntary
    • contracts and relaxes
  • cardia muscle
    • long fibres which branch to form cross- bridges between fibres
    • found in the heart - cells joined by intercalated discs - allow diffusion of ions between cells
    • involuntary
    • contracts at steady rate
  • smooth muscle
    • tapered and contracts slowly and regularly - controlled by autonomic nervous system
    • tubular structures arranged longitudinally and circularly
    • involuntary
    • walls of hollow organs
  • sarcoplasm
    muscle cell cytoplasm
  • sarcoplasmic reticulum
    specialised endoplasmic reticulum - storage sites for calcium
  • sarcolemma
    membrane that surrounds muscle fibre
  • neuromuscular junction
    • site where motor neuron meets muscle fibre - separated by gap called neuromuscular cleft
    • motor end plate
    • pocket formed around motor neuron
  • motor unit
    • some motor neurones stimulate single muscle fibres.
    • many motor neurones divide and connect to several muscle fibres
    • all these muscle fibres contract together, providing a stronger contraction
    • variables affecting strength and degree of muscle movement
    1. number of motor units firing
    2. number of muscle cells per motor unit
    • myosin only in H zone
    • centre of an A band is the M line
    • centre of the I band is a Z line
    • I band = where there is only actin it looks lighter
    • A band = where myosin and actin overlap the myofibril looks dark
    • M line = middle
    • H zone = contracts and relaxing
    • thin = actin
    • thick = myosin
    • tropysin = myosin grabs and pulls in