The Occupational Safety and Health (OHS)

Cards (11)

  • Which department established the 5S method in the Philippines?
    The Department of Labor
  • Who created the 5S method?
    Hiroyuki Hirano
  • What are the steps of the 5S method?
    1. Sort - Seiri: Remove unnecessary equipment
    2. Set in Order - Seiton: Organize necessary equipment
    3. Shine - Seiso: Clean the workspace
    4. Standardize - Seiketsu: Establish standards
    5. Sustain - Shitsuke: Maintain discipline
  • What is radiation exposure?
    Energy released as particles or waves
  • What are Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI)?
    Injuries from improper keyboard and mouse placement
  • What body parts are commonly affected by RSI?
    Shoulder, back, neck, and wrist
  • What symptoms are associated with RSI?
    Stiffness and mild pain
  • How can RSI be prevented?
    By following ergonomics principles
  • What does ergonomics study?
    A safe and effective work environment
  • What are the symptoms of Computer Eye Strain?
    Headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes
  • What causes Computer Use and Back Pain?
    Bad posture while using computers