The systematic measurement of spontaneously occurring behaviour
What can Observations being conducted in?
Controlled environment (e.g. Lab)
Naturalistic environment (e.g. playground park etc)
How can Observations be recorded?
Structured - Using pre-setcollection grids to record observations made
Unstructured - Record behaviour as it occurs, no pre-set grid to record
8 types of Observations:
Naturalistic and Controlled (Where the Ob happens)
Structured and Unstructured (How the Ob data is collected)
Participant and Non-participant (Observer takes part or not)
Covert and Overt (Observer is openly or secretly recording behaviour)
2ways of behaviour sampling:
Time and Event
What is a Naturalistic observation?
It takes place in the P's most natural environment; makes behaviour more realistic and makes the research more ecologically valid
What is a Controlled observation?
Usually takes place in some form of controlled environment which allows control over variables
What is a Non-Participant observation?
The psychologist does not participate within the group and simply observes
What is a Participant observation?
Psychologist feels the need to join in the behaviour of a group so that we can feel what its like to be in their shoes
What is a Covert observation?
Researcher does not tell group they are being studied.
In participant observation, this would involve taking on a role within the group.
What is an Overt observation?
Where groups / participants know they are being studied and that an observation is taking place
What is Time sampling?
When the observer records behaviour at regular time intervals
What happens in Time sampling?
A target person is chosen then the researcher watches them for a fixed amount of time, and records their behaviour. After this time they wait a feed interval and then either watch them again, or watch a new target person
What is Event sampling?
When an observer decides in advance the behaviours they are interested in observing, develops a coding system and then records every time that particular behaviour or event occurs during the whole duration of the observation
What happens in Event sampling?
A target behaviour (event) is chosen and then the researcher counts every time this behaviour/event occurs
behaviour is recorded continuously throughout the whole duration of the study e.g. 2 hours
What is Inter-Rater reliablity?
Only needed when an observation involves more than one observer.
Vital that the observers are recording their observations of the same behaviour in the same way.