Attachment with parents -> platonic relationships in childhood -> later romantic relationships
What did Rose-Krasner et al study?
What did Rose-Krasner et al do?
Compared children who had been assessed (at 20 months) as being securely attached against those assessed as being insecurely attached
Researchers observed that secure attachments in infancy were associated with better problem solving skills, better co-operation and greater social competence
How were relationships with teachers assessed?
Erickson found insecurely attached children to be highly dependent and non-compliant. Teachers reported it to be difficult to form relationships with such children.
However, infant attachment style isn't only factor associated with relationships with teachers. Howes says sensitive and responsive teachers can provide children with opportunities to build a good relationship.
How were adolescent relationships assessed?
Research shows that early attachment styles affect adolescent social relationships
Zimmerman found secure attachment was significantly related to close friendship, positive friendship concept, integration in a peer group and effective emotional regulation within close friendships
Who designed the 'love quiz'?
Hazan and Shaver
What is the 'love quiz'?
A study designed to test predictions made by the internalworking model and continuity hypothesis
Printed in a local newspaper & readers asked to send in responses
Measured using a simple checklist of childhood relationships with parents
Assessed individuals beliefs about romantic love
First 620 replies from people aged 14-82 were analysed
Were classified according to Ainsworth's infant attachment types & researchers looked for corresponding adult love styles
What were the results of the 'love quiz'?
Securely attached = 56%. Prepared to trust others and had satisfying romantic relationships
Insecure avoidant = 24%. Doubtful about existence of true love. Reported finding it harder to trust others & be close to them.
Insecure resistant = 20%. Wanted and needed love, prone to being obsessive & jealous.
What was the conclusion of the 'love quiz'?
Attachment styles in infancy are associated with the nature of adult romantic relationships.
Evaluation of the 'love quiz' by Hazan and Shaver:
Used self report measures - subject to socialdesirabilitybias, so love quiz may lack internal validity (didn't measure what it intended to)
Volunteer sample - only motivated people took part so results may differ from wider population. Lacked populationalvalidity so not representative or generalisable
Retrospective - memory is subject to innacuracies so unreliable and lacks consistency
Closedquestions - yes/no etc. Reduced validity so may be unable to give responses that truthfully reflect their experiences about love/attachment