Descriptions by these people of what happened to them while they were dead, were so similar that it must be more than coincidence. His research demonstrated no two near death experiences are the same, they share common features
She was declared clinically dead during a surgery. She could see her body from above and doctors performing surgery on her. She then saw a bright light and saw her dead family members
1. Those who have the experience have clear recollection
2. It is life changing. Some become more grateful for the life they have on earth, others may feel comfort knowing what is waiting for them in the afterlife
3. They occur in all parts of the world and affect many different people. Children have reported having experiences without knowing what happened and it aligns with others experiences
1. The exact point when an individual is resuscitated is unknown. Upon resuscitation, the brain constructs the NDE from stored memories of what they've heard or know
2. NDE's are the result of hypoxeia. The dying brain creates feelings of euphoria. Dr Persinger tested this with the God Helmet. By stimulating the temporal lobes it created the presence of an external being.
3. Freudians regard NDE's as hallucinatory wishful thinking to overcome the fear of death