Genetics keywords

Cards (17)

  • haploid - having one of each type of chromosomes / or one complete set. can also describe cells which have half the chromosomes e.g. 23 in humans.
  • chromosome - thread-like structures found in the nucleus. the arms are made of very long coils of DNA (contains the genes)
  • Genotype - genetic composition of an organism - description of the genes you have
  • Alleles - genes occupying the same position on homologous chromosomes - when you have 2 different versions of them they're called alleles instead of genes
  • diploid - having 2 types of chromosomes/two complete sets. its a description of cells which have all 46 chromosomes
  • phenotype - physical characteristics of the organism
  • gene - section of chromosomes concerned with a particular aspect of life - a section of a DNA molecule
  • recessive - gene whose instructions are ignored in the presence of a dominant allele - the allele which doesn't usually affect how the organism turns out
  • homologous - chromosome which look similar and are concerned with the same aspects of life
  • genetics - the study of inheritance
  • DNA - a molecule which contains genes - shaped like a double helix
  • Dominant - refers to an allele or gene, the one which determines the characteristics that appear
  • gamete - sex cell e.g. sperm or egg in humans
  • zygote - name given to each newly formed human life, just after the gametes fuse at fertilisation
  • alleles - different versions of a particular gene
  • Females have XX chromosomes
  • Males have XY chromosomes