Concept Check

Cards (4)

  • If the hematocrit value of a woman's blood is 42, what percentage of red blood cells is present in her blood?
    The hematocrit value closely approximates the percentage of red blood cells; thus, red blood cells account for 42 percent of her blood volume
  • How does the shape of red blood cells aid in blood flow?
    Red blood cells have the ability to stack and create a roulaeu, which can pass through a tiny blood vessel more easily than could many separate red blood cells. In addition, red blood cells are flexible, which allows them to squeeze through small capullaries.
  • What type of white blood cells appear in the greatest number in an infected cut?
    Neutrophils appear in the greatest number in an infected cut
  • What is the function of the granules in basophils?
    The granules contain histamine; its release promotes inflammation at the injury site