letter 2.6 - discrimination at the dinner party

Cards (7)

  • “ if you restrain your appetite”
    here pliny recommends moderations in all things rather than being gluttonous. this presents him as wise, understnading and knowledgable 
  • “ my freedmen do not drink the same as i do “

    this shows how he chooses to drink qualty wine and every drinks the same kind of fine, so that everyone feel both welcome and invited 
  • “ what is the point of this story “
    the use of hyperphora stimulates the readers curisoity by hearing a question. 
  • “ most disgraceful “

    this comprativephrase shows how much he dissaproves of unequal treatment 
  • “both mean and at the same time extravagenet “
    the host shows off to certain guest to impress them but doesn't give foood to other 
  • “not to degration”
    this shows how he can symphatise with those of a lower class as they would want to come to dinner to enjoy food and conversation and to not feel embrassed 
    • pliny discriminates aganist the food from the dinner party
    • he stands up for equal treatment regardless of the class