What are the 4 ways biology affects our behaviour?
Genes and DNA
How do genes and DNA affect our behaviour?
They are inherited and DNA creates instructions to create proteins which influence our characteristics
How does neuroanatomy affect behaviour?
different parts of the brain have different functions effecting our behaviours
How does neurochemistry affect our behaviours?
Its all about brain chemicals and these brain chemicals at different levels effect our mood
How does evolution effect our behaviour?
Behaviours evolve through time
What is the role of a neurotransmitter and neurons?
send messages around the body
What is a trait?
characteristic that makes up personality
What are some key things about traits?
Don't really change in different situations
Don't really change overtime as we get older
They are stable
Who and what did he think where the main biological influences?
Eysenck though extroversion and introversion where the main biological influences
What are the traits of extroverts?
Outgoing and social
What are the traits of introverts?
Shy and quiet
How is weather we are an introvert or extrovert determined
By genes inherited from our parents
How do genes determined weather you are an extro/introvert ?
They influence the activity of the nervous system
What sort of nervous system do extroverts have? What does this mean?
Underactive - They need constant excitement to arouse - risky behaviours/activities
What sort of nervous system do Introverts have? What does this mean?
Overactive - Avoid discomfort and withdraw them selves from socialsituations - keeping away from exciting activities
Strengths of Understanding the influence of biology on behaviour are...
Reduce some criminal behaviour - They are often extroverts and do not learn through rewards or punishment so we can use biological methods to treat behaviours of criminals
genetic factors - using twins (identical and non) to find out to find a heritabilityestimate to see to what degree are characteristics inherited
Weaknesses of Influences of biology on behaviour are....
over simplified - inaccurate views on how genes operate
Biological influences are often less important - other influences that can explain reasons for behaviour better - learning experiences may be moreimportant like how you are raised