
Cards (27)

  • Gender Bias
    When you tend to treat or represent men and women based on stere rather than real differences
  • Androcentrism
    Foucused on men often neglecting women
  • Universality
    Aim to develop theories that apply to all people
  • Alpha bias (gender)
    Exaggerate differences between women and men
  • Beta bias (gender)
    Minimises differences between men and women. Researhes assume that all people are the same and therefrore apply all theories to all people in hope to archieve universality.
  • Ethnocentrism
    Seeing things from the point of view of ourselves or social group which leads to cultural bias
  • Culture bias
    Judging all people based on your own cultural assumptions
  • Cultural relativism
    Idea that behaviour can only be understood in context of the norms and values of society or culture it happens in
  • emic
    Approach which emphasises uniqueness of each culture and looks at behaviour from inside of a particular culture
  • Etic
    Approach looking at behaviour from outisde of particular culture and tires to find behaviour that can be generalised.
  • Free will
    Individual seen capable of self-determination as they have an active role in controlling/choosing their behaviour
  • Determinism
    View that behaviour is caused by internal or external forces
  • Hard determinism
    behaviour is caused by internal and external forces and we have no control over our behaviour
  • Soft determinism
    Behaviour is caused by internal and external forced BUT we still have some control over out behaviour
  • Biological determinism
    behaviour is caused by biological factors likes genes, neurochemistry and brain structure
  • Enviromental determinism
    behaviour is caused by external factors
  • Psychic determinism
    Behaviour is caused by unconscious instincts, drives and childhood
  • Scientific determinism
    Behaviour is caused by external and internal factors so there is a cause and effect realtionship
  • Heredity
    process in which traits are passed from parents to their offspring
  • Nature
    Behaviour seen as product of innate factors
  • Nurture
    Behaviour is product of environmental influenced
  • Interactionist approach 

    View that nature and nurture work together rather than in opposition
  • Nature-nurture debate
    Behaviour is influenced by nature and by nurture and reference to debate being about relative contribution of each of these influences
  • Reductionism
    Approach breaking complex behaviour into simple components
  • holism
    Approach to behaviour where you perceive the whole experience rather than the individual featured
  • Idiographic approach
    Focuses on individuals and emphasises uniqueness favours qualitative methods of reasearch
  • Nomothetic Approach
    Formulate general laws of behaviour by studying groups of people and used statistical(quantitative) techniques summarising differences between people through generalisations