Interactionist approach

Cards (20)

  • What is the main interactionist approach to explaining schizophrenia?
    Diathesis stress model
  • What do interactionist explanations consider in relation to schizophrenia?
    Multiple levels of explanation
  • What is the most important interaction in shaping who we are?
    Between nature and nurture
  • How is stress defined in the context of schizophrenia?
    Mismatch between demands and belief in ability
  • What hormone is thought to exert damaging effects on the brain due to stress?
  • What are the potential effects of cortisol on the brain?
    Influences brain development and dopamine transmission
  • What are the diathesis factors influencing schizophrenia?
    • Genetics
    • Brain development
    • In utero influences
    • Puberty and hormonal changes
    • Personality and cognitive vulnerabilities
  • What are the stress factors that can influence schizophrenia?
    • Traumas
    • Abuse
    • Setbacks
    • Distress
    • Eustress (good stress)
    • Illness
    • Substance abuse
  • What type of study did Tienari et al (2004) conduct?
    Adoption study
  • How many Finnish children were involved in Tienari et al's study?
    303 Finnish children
  • What was compared in Tienari et al's study?
    High genetic risk group vs. control group
  • What was associated with the development of schizophrenia in Tienari et al's findings?
    High levels of expressed emotion
  • In which group was high expressed emotion linked to schizophrenia development?
    High genetic risk group
  • What is the goal of Early Intervention (EI) programs?
    • Treat individuals with first-time psychosis symptoms
    • Use rapid and comprehensive treatment methods
    • May include medication and therapy
  • What happens if psychosis is left untreated?
    It may worsen over time
  • What is associated with worse long-term outcomes in schizophrenia?
    Longer Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP)
  • What is the optimal outcome for treating schizophrenia?
    Detecting prodromal symptoms early
  • What did the 2011 Cochrane review conclude about Early Intervention for Psychosis?
    Studies were too small and poorly controlled
  • What are the risks associated with Early Intervention?
    Potential for misdiagnosis and over-treatment
  • What implications does the interactionist approach have for schizophrenia treatment?
    • Emphasizes the need for a holistic approach
    • Considers both genetic and environmental factors
    • Supports early intervention strategies