What each should include

Cards (5)

  • 1)Opening : introduce yourself and say what you was like , link your comments to the title of the story . Introduce the second person in your story and show how they contrast to you .
  • 2)Build up : move your story on by being clear about the day and time . Describe the place , setting and people's actions to bring characters and places to life and make your writing realistic . You might like to use speech here but plan carefully for it .
  • 3)Problem : say what happened and be detailed and precise in your re-telling . Try and include some speech ( if you can ) . Remember speech but no conversations are best .
  • 4)reaction - how did you feel ? How did others feel ? Description could be included here to and speech also . Make a clear link to the title you have chosen .
  • 5)resolution : what have you learnt from this ? How do you feel about it now ( show the examiner that you learnt a lesson that day / time ) or tie up any loose ends ( but only if appropriate) . Why is this moment important to you ? Justify why you have chosen this story .