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  • an urban area is a built up man made environment
  • migration is the movement of population from one area to another
  • rural urban migration is the movement of people from the countryside to urban areas
  • push factors are bad things making people move away from an area
  • pull factors are good things that make people want to move into an area
  • LICs are seeing the highest rates of urbanisation
  • mumbai is the commercial and financial capital of india
  • mumbai handles approximately 60% of all indias sea trade
  • mumbai contributes to 40% of the total income to the whole state of maharastra
  • mumbai is home to the biggest cultural industry in asia - Bollywood
  • Bollywood is the worlds largest film industry
  • migration into mumbai is estimated at 1 person per minute
  • as most of the migrants into mumbai are young adults, they will have children within 10 years of settling down in mumbai so there is a high natural increase
  • Mumbai is on the west coast of india facing the arabian sea. in the maharastra state
  • traffic is very congested and chaotic in mumbai
  • railways in mumbai are unsafe and unreliable, 6000 deaths on trains occur in mumbai a year
  • the largest slum in asia is located in mumbai named dharavi
  • in dharavi, the power system is weak and the water is only on for 2 hours a day
  • in dharavi there is no sewage system
  • apartments in dharavi are built very high because there is no space otherwise
  • to get a free apartment from the SRA, you must be able to prove that you have lived in the slum for 20 years or more
  • there are over 1000 primary and secondary schools in mumbai
  • mumbai literacy rates are higher than the national average (90% / 74%)
  • Mumbai has a world-renowned university
  • In areas, 1 in 20 people are estimated to have to use the street as a toilet
  • over 300 community toilet blocks have been built, housing over 5000 toilets
  • the mumbai slum sanitation project aims to improve sanitation facilities over mumbai
  • many squatter settlements do not have access to electricity and rely on bottled gas for cooking and heating. this is expensive and very dangerous
  • there can be up to 5 people living in 1 room in dharavi
  • houses in dharavi tend to have no windows, and can have asbestos roofs
  • dharavi has many small businesses such as recycling plastics, making leather goods and printing t-shirts
  • informal employment accounts for around half of all jobs in india
  • wages in dharavi are low but there is little unemployment
  • 80% of all waste is recycled in mumbai
  • bottom up improvement is when people get help to improve the conditions of the slums
  • top down improvement is where slums are demolished and new housing is built instead
  • the building of new apartments can be negative because the accommodation will be very small and cramped
  • the building of new apartments in mumbai can be positive because clean water can be piped to every house
  • the building of apartments can be positive because organised waste collection services can be offered
  • urbanisation is the process by which an increasing percentage of the city's population comes to live in towns and cities