Social and economic challenges

Cards (6)

  • Healthcare
    Problem: Healthcare and hospital access is better in the wealthier south and west zones
    Solutions: Community based 'family health teams' have improved vaccination programmes and health cover from 4% to 70% in some favelas (such as Santa Marta)
  • Education
    Problem: Only half of children continue their education beyond 14 due to:
    • Insufficient schools and teachers
    • The distance needed to travel to school
    • A need for teenagers to work to support their families Solution:
    • NGOs such as Schools of Tomorrow work with favela communities to improve education provision
    • Local government grants are provided to help children remain in school
    • Rochina Favela has opened a university
  • Water supply
    Problem: Water supply and sanitation provision for all is essential-particularly in the densely populated favelas
    Solution: Since 1998, seven new treatment plants and 300 km of new water pipes have been built, 96% of the city now has safe piped water
  • Energy provision
    Problem: Overloaded electricity supplies lead to frequent power cuts. Many poorer people are forced to tap into the main supply, which is dangerous and illegal.
    Solution: New power lines and an HEP station have been installed. 1/3 nuclear power plant is due to open in 2023
  • Unemployment
    Problem: About 3.5 million workers are employed in the informal economy (no tax contributions) Female (18% in 2019) and youth unemployment rates are particularly high.
    Solution: Solutions centre on education initiatives
  • Crime
    Problem: murder, drug trafficking, kidnapping, and armed assults occur regularly in Rio
    Solutions: In 2013, Pacifying police units (UPPS) were established to reduce crime in favelas and take greater control.