Cognitive Approach

Cards (15)

  • what are the assumptions of the cognitive approach?

    ->our brains work like a computer (input>process>output)
    ->this approach focuses on the examination of internal mental process (perception, memory, attention and consciousness)
    ->since internal processes cannot be studied directly- their operation must be inferred from the observation and measurement of visible human behaviour
  • why do cognitive psychologists use theoretical and computer models?

    ->they enable visual representation of complex conceptual processes, and computer models provide a base for research within the field of cognitive psychology
  • what are internal mental processes?

    the operations that occur during thinking
  • what are examples of internal processes?

    ->choosing what to think about (attention)
    ->how we store info we would use in the future(memory)
    ->how we construct meaningful sentences to communicate with others(language)
    ->how we construct new solutions(problem-solving)
  • what are inferences?

    reasoned conclusions about a general pattern of behaviour that are drawn from the specific data obtained in a study.
  • what are inferences used for?

    they are used by cognitive psychologists as a means of understanding human experience from observable behaviours
  • what is the schema theory?

    ->it is an information-processing model that emphasises how perception and memory are shaped by cognitive frameworks.
    ->schemas are mental frameworks of info that we use to organize past experiences and to interpret and respond to new situations
    ->they are also examples of top-down info-processing because they provide us with expectations about what will happen in the world, rather than requiring us to process every single detail
  • what are theoretical models?

    ->they are visual representations of internal mental processes that are used to help researchers simplify and study complex processes.
    ->they are typically diagrams or flowcharts that show how info is passed between the different systems that manipulate it e.g the multi-store model
  • how do computer models relate to how our mind works?

    ->The mind works like a computer, in that it has an input from our senses which it then processes and produces an output such as language or specific behaviours- and this is known as the computer analogy
  • what is a strength of the cognitive approach?

    it uses objective, scientific methods
  • why is the fact that scientific methods used in cognitive approach is a strength?

    ->It is a strength because the study of the mind has credible scientific basis
    ->eg. cognitive psychologists employ lightly controlled and rigorous methods of study so researchers are able to infer cognitive processes at work. They use lab studies to produce reliable objective data
  • what is another strength of the cognitive approach?

    it has practical applications
  • why does having practical applications strengthen the cognitive approach?

    ->it is a strength as this advancements may revolutionise how we live in the future and also supports the value of the cognitive approach. It has also advanced and increase the technology in healthcare
    ->e.g therefore it is very dominant in psychology- it has made very important contributions in the field of AI and development of robots. These are exciting advances that may transform how we live in the future
  • what is a limitation of the cognitive approach?

    it is based on machine reductionism
  • how is the cognitive approach being based on machine reductionism a limitation.

    ->this is a weakness because there are similarities between the human mind and the operations of computer (inputs and outputs storage systems, the use of central processes), the computer analogy has been criticised by many.
    ->.g, research has found that human memory may be affected by emotional factors, such as the influence of anxiety on eye-witness. Machine reductionism ignores the influence of human emotion and motivation on cognitive system and how it affects our ability to process info