Cards (3)

  • Measles
    spread by droplets (e.g cough)
    develop red rash and has a high temp
    can be very serious and fatal if there are complications (can lead to inflamation on brain)
    most people get vaccinated when they are young
  • HIV
    spread by sexual contact or exchnage of body fluids (e.g blood)
    casuses flu-like symptons but usually for the first several years person experiences no symptons
    HIV can be controlled by antiretroiral drugs
    virus attacls immune cells
    if body immune system is badly damaged, cant cope with other infenctions. at this stage the virus is known as AIDS
  • tobacco mosaic virus
    a virus that affects many species of plants (e.g tomatoes)
    casues mosaic pattern on the leaves and parts of the leaved become discoloured
    this means the plants cant carry out photosythesis good so the virus affects plant growth