Synaptic Transmission - The process by which a nerveimpulse passes across the synaptic gap from one neuron (pre synaptic neuron) to another neuron (post synaptic neuron)
Synaptic Transmission Process (1): Information is passed down the axon as an electricalimpulse known as actionpotential
Synaptic Transmission Process (2): Once the action potential reaches the end of the axon it needs to be transferred to another neuron, by crossing the synapticgap
Synaptic Transmission Process (3): at the end of the neuron (in the axon terminal) are synapticvesicles which contains neurotransmitters
Synaptic Transmission Process (4): The electrical impulse (action potential) stimulates the release of transmitters from the synaptic vesicles
Synaptic Transmission Process (5): Neurotransmitters then carry the signal across the synapticgapbinding to receptor sites on the postsynaptic cell activating them
Synaptic Transmission Process (6): Once the receptors or postsynaptic cells have been activated, they produce excitatory or inhibitory effects on the postsynaptic cell
Synaptic Transmission Process (7): Inhibitoryneurotransmitters (GABA) make them less likely to fire, whereas excitatoryneurotransmitters (noradrenaline) making them more likely to fire
Information can only travel in one direction in a synapse:
synapticvesicles containing neurotransmitters are only present presynaptic membrane
the receptors for the neurotransmitters are only present in postsynaptic membrane
Diffusion of the neurotransmitters mean they can only go from high to low concentration, so only from pre to post
it is the binding of the neurotransmitter to the receptor which enables information to be transmitted to next neuron.
Explain how an external factor that acts like an inhibitorytransmitter effects synaptic transmission:
stimulation of postsynaptic receptors by an inhibitory neurotransmitter result in inhibition of the postsynapticmembrane
Zapurpain would make the post-synaptic cell less likely to fire
if inhibitory inputs are higher than excitatory they can cancel out excitation and inhibit an actionpotential, reducing brain activity may lead to reduced pain.