Mammary Glands

Cards (11)

  • Mammary Glands - are present in both sexes, but they normally function only in women
  • Mammary Glands - functions to produce milk to nourish a newborn baby, they are actually important only when reproduction has already been completed
  • Mammary glands are modified sweat glands that are part of the skin
  • Areola - a pigmented area surrounding the nipple
  • Nipple - a central protruding, surrounded by the areola
  • How many lobes that consist each mammary gland?
    15 to 25 lobes
  • Lobules - are smaller chambers found within each lobe
  • Alveolar Glands - produces milk when a woman is lactating
  • Lactating - other term for "producing milk"
  • Lactiferous Ducts - opens to the outside at the nipple, where milk exits each lobule
  • Lactiferous Sinus - a dilated region of the duct, where milk accumulates during nursing