idea that free will is an illusion is ongoing debate
sam harris argued free will is an illusion
determinism is the opposite of free will
determinism is the view that free will is an illusion and therefore behaviour is governed by internal (hormones) or external (parents rewarding behaviour) forces over which we have no control
in a deterministic debate behaviour could be seen as predictable
hard determinism is where forces outside of our control (genetics/ past experience) shape out behaviour
soft determinism is where behaviour is constrained by environmental or biological makeup - only to certain extent and there is an element of free will
heather proposed while our behaviour is predictable that doesnt make it inevitable
free will is where we play an active role and have choice in how we behave - individuals are free to choose behaviour and so we are self determined
examples of determinism include - biological, environmental, psychic and scientific
biological determinism is when our behavior is determined by our genes for example in psychopathology the biological approach - ODC is partially genetic - nestadt et al shoes that if an individual has a relative with ODC they are 5 times more likely to have OCD
environmental determinism is where our behavior is determined by previous experiences and learning (operant and classical conditioning) an example includes banduras bobo doll experiment
psychic determinism is where behaviour is determined by our innate drives and early experiences - driven by the libido. for example the psychodynamic approach - gender behaviourists acquired during phallic stage (oedipus and electra complex)
scientific determinism is where behaviour is determined by a cause and all events have a cause - IV manipulated to change DV. for example harlows monkeys
humanistic psychology is an example of free will approach - argues against determinism view claiming humans have self determination and free will and behaviour is not result of any single result
evaluation - genetic determinism - limitation
humanistic psychology argues against idea of determinism claiming humans have self determination and free will
evidence to support - identical twin studies find 80% similarity in intelligence scores + 40% similarity in likelihood of depression
however, as twins share 100% genes - results suggest 20% are caused by environmental factors - demonstrates biological determinism is unable to explain particular behavior
same evidence indicates no behaviour is completely environmentally determined
evaluation - psychic determinism - limitation
although freud seems to support deterministic point of view - argued unconscious controls actions and thoughts. goal of psychoanalysis is to help patients overcome that force
example - erich fromm - argued all of us have potential to control our lives but many are too afraid to do so
means we give up on freedom and allow our lives to be governed by circumstance and other people
however determinism is not inevitable
evaluation - hard determinism - limitation
psychologist theorists do not favour deterministic view - if behaviour is determined by outside forces it provides excuse for criminal acts
example - stephen mobley argued he was 'born to kill' after killing pizza shop manager - his family had disposition towards violence and aggressive behaviour (brought up within)
therefore, hard determinist position may be undesirable as it provides excuse - allowing people to mitigate own liability
evaluation - free will - limitation
idea of free will has gotten circumstances
psychologists such as skinner argue free will is an illusion - skinner insisted our behaviour is environmentally determined
more recent evidence provides support to skinners claim - libet et al found motore regions of brain became active before person registers conscious awareness.
strongly suggests many responses are biologically determined and skinners claim on free will is an illusion may be correct
evaluation - scientific determinism - limitation
science is heavily deterministic -whether independent variable manipulates the dependent variable
example - bandura measured effect of aggression levels on children
experiments tend to minimise importance of extraneous variables that have not been controlled and then go onto generate human behaviour without acknowledging at diff time place the behaviour not being influenced by the independent variable
therefore no experiment can be proved right until extraneous variables are taken into consideration