the nature nurture debate looks at what our causes our behaviour and who we are
those on natural side argue behaviour is project of biological and genetic influences - inherit traits from parents
to measure heritability of characterstic we use heritability coefficient
those believing in nurture approach argue behaviour is determined by factors in our environment
twins studies are an example of nature approach - show closer the 2 individuals are genetically the more likely they both develop same behaviours
nestadt et al found average concordance rate of 68% in MZ twins and 31% in DZ twins highlighting genetic component
evolutionary theory supports natural approach as the are based on principle that behaviour that promotes survival and reproduction will be naturally selected and passed on for generations
bowlby proposed children are biologically programmed to form attachments as it helps them to survive
behavioural theory adopts nurture approach as claims we are born 'tabula rasa' meaning 'blank slate' and so all behaviour is learnt through classical and operant conditioning
pavlovs dogs and skinners rats
social learning theory proposes behaviour is acquired through learning and indirectly through vicarious reinforcement
interactionalist approach is view that nature and nurture work together to shape human behaviour
example of interactionalist approach is epigenetics - change in our genetic activity without changing the genetic code
epigenetics is caused by interaction with the environment and it is where out lifestyle and events we encounter leave epigenetic marks on our DNA