Idiographic and nomothetic debate

Cards (19)

  • idiographic approach focuses on individual and emphasises unique personal experience (qualitative technique)
  • nomothetic approach is concerned about establishing general laws based on study of large group of people (quantitative data used to analyse)
  • with the nomothetic approach information is generalised from a small group of individuals to the whole population where general laws are being made
  • methods to investigate idiographic research
    • qualitative methods
    • case studies
    • thematic analysis
    • unstructured interviews
  • case studies are a powerful research method where they provide in depth insight into individual/ small groups which can be used to evaluate a theory
  • examples of idiographic approach
    • memory
    • psychodynamic approach
    • humanistic approach
  • memory being idiographic approach
    • (shallice and warrington examined case of patient KF - short term forgetting of auditory info greater than forgetting visual info suggesting STM consists of multiple components - idea of single STM is undermined by patient KF which results suggest existence of separate auditory and visual STM store)
  • psychodynamic approach being idiographic but also nomothetic
    • (psychodynamic approach labelled as idiographic as sigmund freud used case studies to study patients lives - freud also assumed he had identified univrsal laws of behaviour and personality development - more like taking on nomothetic approach)
  • humanistic approach being idiographic approach
    • carl rogers and maslow took phenomenological approach to study human beings - interested only in documenting conscious experience of individual
    • humanistic psychologists more concerned with investigating unique experience than producing general laws
  • methods of investigating nomothetic research
    • quantitative/statistical methods
    • experiments
    • correlational research
    • psychometric testing(personality)
  • nomothetic approach is concerned with establishing general laws based on study of large groups of people
  • examples of nomothetic approach
    • biological approach
    • behavioural approach
    • cognitive approach
  • biological approach being example of nomothetic approach
    • take nomothetic approach when explaining psychological disorders (OCD)
    • pinpoint biological factors such as neurotransmitters that are responsible for disorders and use biological therapies (drugs) to treat all patients
  • behavioural approach is an example of a nomothetic approach
    • pavlov and skinner conducted experiments with animals in order to establish laws of learning (classical and operant conditioning)
    • generalised to humans and non human animals
  • cognitive approach is an example of nomothetic approach
    • atkinson and shiffrin developed general laws such as multi store model of memory
    • generalised to everyone
  • social influence can be argued to be both a nomothetic and idiographic approach - milgram and asch used nomothetic approach to create general conclusions about human behaviour - situational factors are responsible factors are responsible for both obedience and conformity
  • psychopathology can be argued to take a nomothetic approach as classification manuals such as DSM -V as they classify people with psychological disorders on basis of specific symptoms
  • cognitive approach takes on both nomothetic and idiographic approach where attempts are made to establish general laws (MSM) but they also use case study method - shallice and warrington (patient KF)
  • psychodynamic approach is argued to follow both nomothetic and idiographic approach where attempts are established general laws related to innate drives while considering unique experiences during childhood - freud