Cards (9)

    • Stable family helps give a child a sense of identity and security, bring the child up in the muslim faith
    • Muslim family is a way to introduce children to the faith (eg having halal food in the home helps teach about faith)
    • Procreation to continue the Muslim faith
    • Having children in the Muslim family to attend Madrasshah to learn about Islam
    • Ummah - grow in faith
    • Rituals when a child is born helps connect them to Islam: Aqiqah (sacrifice of animal when child born), adhaan (recitation of adhaan in right ear)
    • Each person in the family has a role, parents, children, grandparents. Quran teaches to care for parents (46:15)
    • "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me" (51:56)
    • Allah created the world and everything in it (Tawhid)