
Cards (14)

  • What is cognitive psychology
    -The scientific study of the mind and internal mental processes including learning memory attention decision making and perception.
    -the modern study of cognition proposes that the brain can be understood as a complex computer system
    -these internal processes are private and cannot be observed so cognitive psychologists study them indirectly by making inferences
  • define inferences
    -process whereby cognitive psychs draw conclusions about the way mental process operate on the basis of observed behaviour
  • What are the basic assumptions of the cognitive approach

    -thought processes can and should be studied scientifically/feels that introspection is not scientific
    -the mind works like a computer: the input comes from senses which is then processed to produce the output such as language and specific behaviours
    -stimulus and responses are appropriate but only if the thought processes that occur between stimulus and response are acknowledged
  • How are computer models used to represent particular features of the mind

    -brain is described as a processor it has data input and then outputs it
    -some parts of the brain form networks
    -some parts can work sequentially meaning one process must finish before another starts. this occurs in more demanding or unknown tasks
    -these parts can work in parallel and this is more likely to happen in tasks which are familiar
  • Outline schemas
    -help to organise and interpret information and experiences
    -it is a mental structure containing all the info we have on one aspect of the world shaped by past experiences
  • What is a problem with schemas
    -schemas can stop us learning new info that does not conform to any preconceived notions we may have
    -a schema which holds expectations or beliefs about a certain subgroup of people may bias the way we process incoming info.
    -this means we are more likely to pay attention to information we can easily assimilate and ignore info that would involve changing our schemas to accomodate.
  • Outline theoretical models
    -used because it simplifies complex processes.
    -turns abstract process into concrete form and provides a framework for research
    -these models are often pictorial with boxes and arrows and are updated and changed often e.g. multistore model of memory and the working memory model
  • With modern brains and imaging techniques...
    -cognitive neuroscience started to emerge
    -cn is an approach in psychology that maps human behaviour to brain function.
    -brain imaging techniques allow psychologists to discover when and where things happen in the brain in relation to peoples behaviour at the time
  • Cognitive neuroscientists use a variety of methods to study cognition such as:

    -lesion studies: looking at people with brain damage to see how behaviour is affected
    -electrophysiology: using electric and magnetic fields to measure brain activity and brain waves
    -neuroimaging: pinpointing areas of the brain which are active when a task is performed .e.g PET scans
  • What is a strength(lab studies and AI)
    -CA is scientific and the use of lab studies is objective systematic and replicable
    -this means researchers are able to draw conclusions about how the mind works. Cognitive psychology has made important contributions to the field of AI and the development of thinking robots
    -therefore the cognitive approach has made a positive contribution in the field of psych and had a positive impact on the lives of many.
  • What is another strength of the cognitive approach?(scanning)
    -Has allowed us to collect evidence using fMRI and PET scanning which help us to understand the underlying neural basis of cognitive functions.
    -this has led to quicker diagnosis of issues and more effective treatments
    -therefore the cog approach has made a positive contribution to our understanding of human behaviour
  • what is another strength(understanding psych disorders and CBT)
    -made substantial improvements to our understanding of psychological disorders caused by distorted thoughts
    -this has led to the use of CBT
    -CBT has been found to be 52% effective when treating depression
    -therefore the CA has had a postive impact on mental health treatment
  • What is positive of the CA(machine reductionism)
    -theoretical models have helped clarify our understanding of human cognition and have progressively improved over time.
    -However many of the models may be oversimplification of complex processes and therefore could lack validity.
    -Although the CA may tell us how the different cognitive process take place they do not tell us why
    -the role of motivation and emotion are ignored. These factors may be irrelevant to a computer but not to human.
    -this is known as machine reductionism
  • What is another weakness of the ca (computers make no mistakes)

    -a limitation of the computer model is that computers do not make mistakes nor do they ignore available info or forget things
    -on the other hand humans do all of these things
    -however Newell and Simon (1972) stated that whilst computers are better at remembering they are inferior at planning future moves.
    -this in turn led to an improvement in computer models of problem solving behaviour