Right coronary artery circles the heart to the right within the coronary sulcus. In addition to the atrial branches, the right coronary artery gives off two major branches: the right marginal branch and the right posterior interventricular branch.
The right coronary artery (RCA) branches off the ascending aorta and turns to the right
The branches of the right coronary artery typically supply blood to
right atrium
portion of left atrium
interatrial septum
entire right ventricle
variable portion of left ventricle
postero-inferior one third of the interventricular septum
portions of conducting system (sinoatrial node) of heart
The right coronary artery gives off atrial branches as it curves across the anterior surface of the heart
Near the right border of the heart, the right marginal branch is formed
The right marginal branch supplies the right atrium, interatrial septum, and right ventricle with blood
As the right coronary artery continues across the posterior surface of the heart it gives off the posterior interventricular branch