Adolescent Romantic Relationship

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  • According to B. Baskin in his study entitled Adolescent Romantic Relationship in 2009,
    adolescent romantic relationships can be categorized into the following phases:
    1. Initiation Phase
    2. Affiliation Phase
    3. Intimate Phase
    4. Committed Phase
  • Initiation Phase - The initiation phase of romantic relationships starts from pre-adolescence to early adolescence. While the attraction for the opposite sex begins, the most relationship remains on
    same-sex peers. Same-sex peers tend to stay in large groups. This according to B. Baskin provides security through anonymity as well as opportunities to observe and make notes about how or
    should act.
  • Affiliation Phase in this phase, students often gather in mixed-sex groups. As they age, the number of opposite-sex friends increases. This interaction with members of the opposite sex allows teens to be aware of behavior: and views of the other sex. Thus, they develop, a comfortable feeling around the opposite sex and can beg to connect with them. These interactions are not intimate and usually focus on social settings such as school event parties, and breaks between
    classes. The focus in this phase is on companionship, rather than intimacy.
  • Intimate Phase - During the intimate phase of adolescent romantic relationships, the large group of peers regroups into opposite-sex pairs. The focus of the paired relationship is intimacy and often
    sexual activity. Early adolescents typically do not reach this phase in their relationships. The ability to show intimacy does not develop until middle or late adolescence. Unfortunately, because of being inexperience in this phase, most teens mistook intimacy for sexual activity.
  • Committed Phase - In this phase, the adolescent romantic relationships are established and exclusive. This is more typical in late adolescents since teens have fewer but more intense relationships. Late adolescents maintain a committed relationship because of their capacity to themore caring towards their romantic partner. They are also better at resolving conflict within the