powerful human emotion has three main qualities:

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  • In an article published by Teenealth.Com in May 2013, love which is considered a powerful human emotion
    has three main qualities:
    1. Attraction
    2. Closeness
    3. Commitment
  • Attraction is the "chemistry" part of love. It's all about the physical - even sexual - interest two people have for each other.
  • Closeness is the bond that develops when two people share thoughts and feelings they don't share with anyone else. When you have this feeling of closeness with your boyfriend or girlfriend you feel supported, cared for, understood, and accepted for who you are. Trust is a big part of this.
  • closeness without attraction is the kind of love we -feel for best friends. We share secrets and personal stuff with them, we support them, are they stand by us. But we are not romantically interested in them.
  • Attraction without closeness is more like a crush or infatuation There is an attraction to someone physically but don't know the pers well enough yet to feel the closeness that comes from sharing personal experiences and feelings.
  • Romantic love, on the other hand, is when attraction and closeness are combined Lots of relationships grow out of an initial attraction (a crush or "love at first sight") and develop into closeness It's also possible for a friendship to move from closeness into attraction two people realize their relationship is more than friends and they have become interested in one another in a romantic way.
  • The third component in a love relationship – commitment, is about wanting and deciding to stay together as a couple in the future - despite any changes and challenges that life brings. During the adolescence stage, we typically have a shorter relationship since this is a time when we instinctively seek lots of different experiences and try out different things It's all part of discovering who we are, what we value, and what we want out of life.