Super's Self-concept Theory stages

Cards (6)

  • Age Bracket: 14 - 18 years old
    Phase: Crystallization
    Developmental Tasks: Adolescents develop ideas about work that mesh with their already existing global self-
  • 18 - 22 years old: Specification: Adolescents narrow their career choices and initiate behaviors which enable them to enter some type of a career
  • 22 - 24 years old: Implementation: Young adults complete their education or training and enter the world of work.
  • 24 - 35 years old: Stabilization: The decision on a specific appropriate career is made.
  • 35 and up: Consolidation :Individuals seek to advance their careers and to reach higher status positions
  • Super's Self ept Theory : emphasized that career this is a career self-concept
    development consists of five different phases as follows:
    A) specification
    B) implementation
    C) stabilization
    D) consolidation
    E) crystallization