Realistic: These individuals are physically strong, deal with problems in practicalways, and have very little social know-how. They are best oriented toward practical careers such as labor, farming, truck driving, andconstruction.
Investigative: These individuals are conceptually and theoretically oriented. They are thinkers, rather than doers. They often avoid interpersonal relations and are best suited to careers in math and science.
Social : These individuals often have good verbal skills and interpersonal relations. They are likely to be best equipped to enter "people" professions such as teaching, social work, counseling and the like.
Conventional: These individuals show a distaste for unstructured activities, they are best suited for jobs as subordinates, such as secretaries, bank tellers and the like.
Enterprising : These individuals energize their verbal abilities toward leading others, dominating individuals and selling people products. They are best counseled to enter careers in sales, politics and management
Artistic: These individuals prefer to interact through their artistic expression. Avoiding conventional and interpersonal situations careers in arts and writing are options.