Business Regulations

Cards (3)

  • Federal Government Regulations:
    • Payment of PAYG (Pay As You Go) income tax and fringe benefits tax
    • Deduction of income tax from employees and payment of their superannuation
    • Possible collection of GST (behalf of Australian tax office)
  • State Government Regulations:
    • Provision of employee entitlements - award rates of pay and conditions
    • Abiding by Work, Health and Safety Regulations (Work, Health and Safety Act 2011)
    • Taking out worker's compensation insurance
    • Observing regulations relating to the sale of food, cigarettes and alcohol
    • Adequate and non-deceptive labelling of all food stuff and clothing
  • Local Government Regulations:
    • Any businesses using premises or land must first seek local government approval - without approval, businesses will be forced to close
    • Local governments have control over the following business activities:
    1. Determining land zoning (use) and approving new development applications
    2. Fire regulations
    3. Health regulations (safe handling of food)
    4. Parking Regulations
    5. The size, shape and location of business signs