Economy - activities undertaken for the purpose of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in a country
Economic system - the means by which societies or governments organises and distribute available resources, services and goods across a country
Economic Growth - Measured by adding up injections to the economy and comparing them to the leakages. When leakages are less than injections, economic growth occurs (economy expands)
Economic decline - Leakages are greater than injections = economy will decline (contracting/shrinking)
Equilibrium = when an economy finds stable prices although they may fluctuate
Sectors rely on each other to function in an economy.
Household sector - provide labour and consume goods and services produced by businesses
Financial - connects to savers and investors, allowing businesses to grow and households to manage their finances.
Government - regulates and supports all sectors through policies and spending
Overseas - connects the domestic economy to overseas markets
Governments' role in the economy:
makes laws that regulates businesses and protects consumers
oversees the financial sectors through the ASIC, ensuring fair practices in areas like share and credit
keeps the economy stable by controlling taxes (money leaving the economy) and spending money (money entering the economy)
= it can slow down or speed up the economy when needed.
The Australian Securities and Investment Commission:
independent government agency that regulates the financial sector
regulates key laws - The Corporation Act 2001 & The National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009