Double bond doesn't affect properties. This means the physical properties are similar to alkanes.Melting and boiling point increase with number of carbon atoms.
The double bonds in alkenes are areas with high electron density (has 4 electrons). This attractselectrophiles and the alkenes undergo addition reactions.
What happens to the alkene in terms of polarity when this reaction takes place?
As the Br2 molecule approaches the alkene, the pi bondelectronsrepel the electron pair in the Br-Br bond. This INDUCES a DIPOLE. Br2 becomes polar and ELECTROPHILIC (Brδ+ ).
But-2-ene reaction with HBr why is the major product, the major product?
This carbocationintermediate is morestable because the methyl groups on either side of the positivecarbon are electronreleasing and reduce the charge on the ion which stabilises it.
Have a tendency to releaseelectrons, this stabilises the positivecharge of the intermediatecarbocation. The morealkylgroups, the morestable to carbocation.