Cards (48)

  • What is the reagent in the electrophilic addition of water to an alkene?

    Water with strong acid (sulfuric or phosphoric acid)
  • What two species are added to the carbons either side of the double bond when water is electrophilically added to an alkene?

    H and OH
  • What is the product when water is electrophilically added to an alkene?

    An alcohol
  • What is the general formula of an alcohol with no carbon rings?

  • Where is the OH attached in aromatic alcohols?

    Directly to the ring
  • What are aromatic alcohols known as?

  • What is a primary alcohol?

    One which is attached to a carbon which is attached to 1 other carbon
  • What is a secondary alcohol?

    One which is attached to a carbon which is attached to 2 other carbons
  • What is a tertiary alcohol?

    One which is attached to a carbon which is attached to 3 other carbons
  • What is the C-O-H angle in an alcohol and why?

    ~105° because the oxygen has two lone pairs which makes the functional group a V-shaped molecule
  • Why do alcohols have a much higher boiling point than alkanes with a similar molecular mass?

    Because they can form hydrogen bonds, which are not present in alkanes
  • Why do the boiling points of alcohols increase as chain length increases?

    Increased chain length leads to an increase in van der waals' forces
  • Why do the boiling points of alcohols decrease as branching increases?

    Because this weakens their van der waals' forces
  • Which types of alcohols are soluble in water and why?

    Those with short hydrocarbon chains because this allows the hydrogen bonding from the alcohol group to water molecules to dominate
  • Why aren't alcohols with long hydrocarbon chains soluble in water?

    Because unlike in short chain hydrocarbons the long, non-polar hydrocarbon chain dominates over the hydrogen bonding
  • What is the reagent in the dehydration of an alcohol?

    Concentrated sulfuric/phosphoric acid
  • What are the conditions of the dehydration of an alcohol?

    Reflux at 180°C
  • What is the product of the dehydration of an alcohol?

  • What is an alternative method to reflux with strong acid to dehydrate an alcohol?

    Pass vapour over a heated alumina (aluminium oxide) catalyst
  • Why can some alcohols not be dehydrated?

    Lack of an adjacent hydrocarbon
  • What is oxidation of alcohols used to differentiate between?

    Primary, secondary or tertiary alcohols
  • What is the usual reagent in the oxidation of alcohols?

    Acidified potassium (VI) dichromate
  • What are primary alcohols oxidised to?

    Easily to aldehydes, and then carboxylic acids
  • What are secondary alcohols oxidised to?

    Easily to ketones
  • What are tertiary alcohols oxidised to?

    Not oxidised under normal conditions, only break down under very vigorous oxidation
  • What is potassium dichromate usually oxidised with?

    Dilute sulfuric acid
  • What is it essential to do when making aldehydes from alcohols?

    Distill off the aldehyde before it is further oxidised to a carboxylic acid
  • What colour change do primary or secondary alcohols cause in potassium dichromate?

    Orange to green
  • What colour change do tertiary alcohols cause in potassium dichromate?

  • What change in apparatus must be made to produce carboxylic acids instead of aldehydes?

    The Liebig condenser must be placed directly above the pear-shaped flask instead of to the side, so that any distilled aldehyde returns to the flask for further oxidation
  • What is the composition of methylated spirits?

    Ethanol, along with a small amount of poisonous methanol and a purple dye
  • What is an elimination reaction?

    One in which a small molecule leaves the parent molecule
  • What smell do most aldehydes and ketones have?

    A pleasant one
  • Are the physical properties of aldehydes and ketones similar?

  • What 3 reactions suggest that burning ethanol is carbon neutral and why?

    Photosynthesis, fermentation and combustion of ethanol, because overall 6 carbon dioxides go in and 6 carbon dioxides come out
  • What is ethanol used as?

    A biofuel or as a solvent
  • What are 2 ways of producing ethanol?

    Hydration of ethene or fermentation of glucose
  • What are the reaction conditions of the hydration of ethene to make ethanol?

    Concentrated phosphoric acid catalyst, 300°C, 60 atm
  • How is over 90% of ethanol made?
    Fermentation using yeast
  • How is ethanol made using yeast?

    The yeast produces ethanol during anaerobic respiration, using glucose as its food