Oestrus cycle

Cards (25)

  • What is pyometra?
    A serious infection of the uterus caused by bacterial infection
  • What can happen if pyometra is left untreated?
    It can lead to kidney failure, toxaemia, dehydration, and death
  • What is the definition of the oestrous cycle?
    It is the reproductive cycle in most mammalian placental females with recurring fertile and non-fertile periods
  • The key stages in the oestrous cycle?(5)
    • Pro-oestrus
    • Oestrus
    • Met-oestrus
    • Di-oestrus
    • An-oestrus
  • What hormones are involved in controlling the oestrous cycle?
    GnRH, LH, FSH, Oestrogen, Progesterone
  • hypothalamus role in the oestrous cycle?
    It acts as the main control centre for hormonal regulation. the hormonal control of oogenesis through positive feedback
  • What happens during ovulation?
    The follicle ruptures, releasing the ovum
  • What is the corpus luteum?
    It is the empty follicle that forms after ovulation and secretes progesterone
  • What occurs during the pro-oestrus stage of the oestrous cycle?
    The female prepares her body for heat, and FSH secreted
  • What happens during the oestrus stage?
    The female allows mating and is fertile and sexually active
  • What is the role of progesterone during metoestrus?
    It helps prepare the uterus lining to receive the fertilized egg
  • What occurs during dioestrus?
    The corpus luteum secretes progesterone to maintain conditions for pregnancy
  • What is anoestrus?
    It is the period between oestrous cycles with low reproductive hormone levels
  • What is gestation?
    The period of pregnancy from fertilization until birth
  • What hormone maintains the uterine lining during pregnancy?
  • What triggers labor during parturition?
    Increased fetal size and increased oestrogen levels
  • What are the three stages of labor?
    1. Cervical relaxation and dilation
    2. Production of young
    3. Expulsion of the placenta
  • What is the role of relaxin during labor?
    It softens birth canal tissue
  • 5 hormones involved in controlling the oestrous cycle
    GnRH ( Gonadotrophic Releasing Hormone)
    LH ( Luteinising hormone )
    FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
  • at ovulation
    • the follicle ruptures at the ovary surface - releases ovum
    • ovum enters the infundibulum in the uterine tubes ( ovarian ducts )
    • empty follicle forms the corpus luteum then corpus ablicans
  • what is the hormone involved with oestrus ?
  • metoestrus
    • female returns back to normal - no mating
    • empty follicle shrivels up once egg has been released - corpus luteum
    • secrete progesterone - helps to prepare lining of uterus - receive the fertilised egg
    • progesterone inhibits futher production of FSH & LH
  • dioestrus
    • corpus luteum secretes progesterone maintain condition for pregnancy
    • if not pregnant corpus luteum degenerates and secretion of progesterone is inhibited - false pregnancy can develop
  • anoestrus
    • period between oestrous cycles
    • female returns normal
  • gestation
    • the period of pregnancy from fertilisation to birth
    • pregnancy is maintained by progesterone - maintains uterine lining, placenta & prevents uterine contractions
    • at the end gestation period progesterone production falls & oxytocin is released = contractions