
Cards (4)

  • Bias
    • Freud interpreted Little Hans in a way that supported his idea
    • He ignored that Hans' mother routinely threatened him with castration
    • It is more plausible that Hans was scared by the horse collapsing, and his phobia developed directly from that
  • Support for Oedipus complex
    • Rekers & Morey - rated the gender identity of 49 boys aged 3-11
    • 75% of those judged 'gender-disturbed' had no biological or substitute father living with them
    • This suggests that being raised with no father may have a negative impact on gender identity
  • Counterpoint to Rekers & Morey
    • Bos & Sandfort - compared 63 children with lesbian parents and 68 children from 'traditional families'
    • Found no differences in psychosocial adjustment or gender identity, contradicting Freud's views
  • Limited explanation for female development
    • 'Penis envy' has been criticised for merely reflecting the era Freud lived in - patriarchal
    • Horney argued men's 'womb envy' was more prominent
    • This challenges the idea that female gender development was founded on a desire to be like men (androcentric)