T5: solids liquid and gases

Cards (12)

  • particles in solids?
    fixed arrangement, only vibrate in a fixed point, strong intermolecular force of attraction
  • particles in liquids?
    particles close (irregular arrangement), free flowing, weaker intermolecular force of attraction
  • particles in gases?
    random arrangement, moving at different speeds, weak intermolecular force of attraction
  • density?
    number of particles in a volume
  • pressure?
    a force on an area
  • pressure from a fluid?
    when an object is beneath a fluid, the fluid exerts a pressure on the object below
  • specific heat capacity?
    how much energy that required to raise the temperature of 1kg of a material by 1 degree
  • how can gas create a pressure?
    -as gas particles move, collide with container
    -creates a force = force on the area creates pressure
    -as pressure = force/area
  • increase pressure?
    -heat the gas up (more energy = more force)
    -decrease volume (more frequent collisions = more force)
    -more particles (more collisions = more force = more pressure)
  • boyles law?
    wanted to find relationship between pressure in container and volume of that container
    when pressure increases, volume decreases
  • lord kelvin?
    when the pressure in 0 and the particles are not moving, the temperature is absolute zero
  • absolute zero = -273