
Subdecks (1)

Cards (6)

  • What is culture?

    • Ideas, values, traditions, and norms that are shared by a large group of people
    • Passed down through generations and are often resistant to change
    • E.g. different roles men and women take, expectations change regarding norms and typical behaviour
  • Culture and gender roles - Mead
    • Papua New Guinea - same biology, e.g. Arapesh - gentle and responsive (feminine)
    • Mundugonors - aggressive and hostile (masculine)
    • Tchanbuli - aggressive women, passive men; the reverse of industrialised societies
  • Mate choice - Eagly & Wood
    • Mate preferences are based on cultural expectations, shaped by roles and behaviours in society
    • E.g. men looking for pretty, young, fertile partners, women looking for strong, provider partners
    • Culture shifts and shapes mate choice, so it cannot be biological as evolutionary psychologists might suggest