
Cards (21)

  • GNI per head is a measurement of how much income a person gets on average
  • HDI includes more than one indicator of development, and making it more reliable
  • Birth rate can be used for predicting the future situation and planning accordingly
  • death rate indicates the quality of healthcare, water quality and food supply
  • people per doctor indicates the quality of health care
  • literacy rate indicates the amount of education on offer
  • access to safe water indicates water quality
  • a disadvantage of using literacy rate as an indicator of development is that it does not recognise other valuable skills that people may have
  • As GNI increases life expectancy also increases
  • Stage 1 of the DTM has a high death rate and a high birth rate, resulting in a steady population
  • stage 2 of the DTM is a falling death rate, but a high birth rate, population increases
  • stage 3 of the DTM is where birth rate begins to fall, so the lower birth rate and death rate means a lower natural increase
  • stage 4 of the DTM is where low birth rates and low death rates result in a steady population
  • stage 5 of the DTM is where the death rate is higher than the birth rate, so the population naturally begins to decrease
  • climate related disease causes many tropical countries to suffer from diseases that thrive in hot and humid conditions
  • poor governance can cause money in a country to be spent poorly
  • poor water quality can lead to disease which weakens people, leading to a direct impact on their productivity
  • the goods sold in a country mean that if a country only sells poor quality goods, they will not gain much money from them
  • products being heavily taxed by other world countries means that less money can be earned from a countries trade
  • being landlocked with bad neighbours can limit trade if there are frequent conflicts or no access to the sea
  • climatic hazards cause destruction and also weaken/kill people, moving valuable resources away from development aims