
Cards (4)

  • Introduction to SZ-
    Diagnosis + classification -
    • DSM-5 = recent, American - 1 positive symptom
    • ICD-11 = recent, world health organisation - 2 negative symptoms + rated 0-1
    • Both look at different things of SZ
    • Different cultural applications
  • Introduction to SZ-
    Positive symptoms - add to daily life
    Delusions - paranoid, or grandeur = inflated self view
    Hallucination - false perceptions effecting senses
    Catatonic behaviour - abnormal motor behaviour, loss of motor skills/hyperactive activity
  • Introduction to SZ-
    Negative symptoms- take away from normal life
    Avolition - reduced goal-centred behaviours
    Speech poverty - loss of speech fluency - slow/blocked thoughts
    Affective flattening - reduced emotional expression
  • Introduction to SZ-
    S- reliability - test re-test + inter-rater
    W- Rosenhan - P’s lied hearing ‘thud, empty, dull‘ + no other symptoms - 11/12 diagnosed with SZ, 1/12 diagnosed with MDP = not valid + based on 1 symptom
    W- SZ is unique, but had overlapping symptoms = doubt + interest in a new diagnosis system
    W- gender bias, men x2 likely to be diagnosed
    W- Copeland- 69% USA gave diagnosis WS to the same description as 2% of UK clinics
    W- Escobar- Afro-Caribbean’s were x10 more likely diagnosed in the UK
    W- Cheniaux- DSM=39, ICD=68/100 diagnosis = varied