New diathesis stress model- Ingram + Luxton - psychological trauma = diathesis is the trauma
Rispke- 108 genes - not 1 SZ gene
Read - child abuse = Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system overactive = vulnerability to external stress
Huston- anything can be a stress trigger
Interactionalist approach to SZ
CPS- Tarrier - 315 P’s - medication + CBT or medication + counselling or (control) medication = better symptom decrease with combinations
CPW- Jarvis - logical error of treatment-causation fallacy
Interactionalist approach to SZ
S- Tienari (2004)- 19,000 Finnish kids W/ SZ mothers adopted = high risk, compared to a control adopted W/O SZ= low risk - raised W/ hostility, criticism + no empathy = SZ only in high risk group - both impact
W- original diathesis-stress model is over-simplified as it only states 1 schizogene without external factors - Houston- childhoodsexual abuse = vulnerability + cannabis usage = trigger