Cards (10)

    • Tawhid - Allah is one, he created the earth and everything in it, he was not created and no one is equal or above him
    • Omnipotent - Allah is all powerful, he created everything and has control over it
    • Just - This life is a test and Allah will judge everyone fairly based on their actions
    • "The matter will be judged between them with justice, and they will not be wronged." (10:47)
    • Transcendent - Allah is much greater than humans and beyond our understanding
    • Shirk - holding anything or anyone equal to or above Allah, this is the worst of all sins
    • Omniscient - Allah is all knowing
    • Infinite - Allah has no beginning or end, he was not created and can not be destroyed
    • Immanent - Allah is close to humans and involved in our lives
    • "We are closer to him than (his) jugular vein" (50:16)
    • Merciful - Allah is merciful and sends messages to help people live according to his will
    • "In the name of Allah the most merciful, the especially merciful" (surah 1)
  • Allahs 99 names include: the most merciful, the most forgiving, the most loving