cognitive explanations of schiz view schizophrenia as a disorder caused by dysfunctional thought processes
cognitive impairments such as memory and attention have been found in those with schiz (O'Carroll2000)
frith et al identified 2 types of dysfunctional thought processes that could underlie symptoms of schiz:
dysfunction in metarepresentation
dysfunction in central control
metarepresentation refers to the cognitive ability to consciously reflect on thoughts and behaviour
metarepresentation allows us to have insight into our own intentions and goals, as well as interpreting the actions of others
dysfunction in metarepresentation would disrupt the patient's ability to recognise thoughts and actions as their own. this could explain auditory hallucinations of hearing voices and delusions of control/ thought insertion
central control is the ability to suppress automatic responses while we perform deliberate actions
dysfunction in central control could lead to symptoms such as disorganised speech and thought because the person cant suppress automatic thoughts and speech triggered by other thoughts
one cognitive explanation is that delusions are caused by cognitive biases
e.g. egocentric bias
with an egocentric bias, the person will see themselves as central component in events
the egocentric bias may play a role in delusions of reference and delusions of grandeur
ALEMAN2001 suggests that those with schiz find it difficult to distinguish between imgainary and sensory-based perception, so they'll experience imagined events as real events
BAKER and MORRISON1998 found that patients with hallucinations were more likely to misattribute a self-generated auditory experience to an external source
Supporting the view that hallucinations are due to inability to distinguish between imagined events and real events
negative symptoms can be seen as occurring due to the individual trying to control the high level of mental stimulation being experienced
it has been shown that schiz ppl often experience a greater level of emotion than they display so flat effect may be an attempt to control the overwhelming emotions experienced internally