Working Memory Model

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Cards (8)

  • Working Memory Model (WMM)
    Representation of short term memory - suggests that it's a dynamic processor of different types of information using subunits co-ordinated by a central decision making system
  • Central Executive
    Components of WMM that co-ordinated the activities of the three subsystems in memory. It also allocates processing resources to those activities
  • Phonological Loop
    the components of the WMM that processes information in terms of sound. This includes both written and spoken material. It's divided into the phonological store and the articulatory process
  • Visuo-spatial Sketchpad
    the component of the WMM that processes visual and spatial information in a mental space often called our 'inner eye'
  • Episodic Buffer

    the component of the WMM that brings together material from the other subsystems into a single memory rather than separate strands. It also provides a bridge between working memory and long-term memory