Pathology definitions

Cards (58)

  • Abscess
    collection of pus enclosed within a pyogenic membrane following the introduction of an infective agent.
  • Acquired
    Applied to diseases, habit, etc.; not congenital but obtained after birth
  • Anaphylactic reaction
    A profound degree of shock, with a severe: Fall in B/P, Loss of consciousness, Respiratory embarrassment, Facial and laryngeal oedema, and Urticaria
  • Bacteraemia
    The transient presence of organisms in the blood stream.
  • Bactericidal
    An antibiotic which kills organisms, e.g. Penicillin V.
  • Bacteriostatic
    An antibiotic which inhibits the multiplication of micro-organisms e.g. Erythromycin, Tetracycline, Cidal in high concentration.
  • Biopsy
    A histopathological examination of tissue removed surgically.
  • Congenital
    Actually or potentially present at birth.
  • Cyst
    A pathological fluid filled sac bounded by a wall and often lined by the epithelium.
  • Diagnosis
    The recognition of a disease from its signs, symptoms and history.
  • Dysplasia
    Abnormal tissue formation.
  • Erythema
    Diffuse patchy redness of the skin. (A dermal inflammatory reaction.)
  • Exudate
    A collection of serous fluid and cells in the extra vascular tissues formed as a result of acute inflammation.
  • Fistula
    A pathological epithelium lined tract leading from one hollow organ to another, or between a hollow organ and the surface.
  • Haemostasis
    The arrest of a flow of blood.
  • Hereditary
    Transmitted from parent to offspring.
  • Hyperaemia
    An increase in blood supply as in inflammation.
  • Hyperplasia
    The increase in size of an organ or tissue due to the increase in the number of constituent cells.
  • Hypertrophy
    An increase in size of an organ or tissue due to an increase in size of the constituent specialised cells. (Pure hypertrophy occurs only in muscle.)
  • Idiopathic
    Of spontaneous origin applied to diseases which are not the sequel to any other disease, e.g. epilepsy, hypertrophy of the heart.
  • Lymphadenopathy
    Any disease of the lymph glands
  • Oedema
    Abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the tissues.
  • Prognosis
    A forecast of the probable duration, course and termination of a disease.
  • Pus
    A creamy fluid contained within an abscess containing leukocytes, living and dead fluid exudate, fibrin, organisms living and dead tissue debris, e.g. nucleic acids and lipids.
  • Pyrexia
    The rise of the body temperature above normal level
  • Septicaemia
    The presence of organisms in the blood stream (the blood culture) which are usually associated with severe constitutional upset.
  • Sign
    Any mark or indication providing objective evidence of disease.
  • Sinus
    A suppurating tract.
  • Symptoms
    The awareness of a disordered sensation or function in some part of the body.
  • Syncope
    A vasovagal attack or 'faint'.
  • Syndrome
    The concurrence of particular symptoms to form the characteristic pattern of certain diseases.
  • Tumour
    Any swelling, but especially a neoplasm may be benign or malignant.
  • Ulcer
    A break in the epithelial surface.
  • Lymphadenopathy
    Any disease of the lymph glands
  • Oedema
    Abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the tissues.
  • Prognosis
    A forecast of the probable duration, course and termination of a disease.
  • Pus
    A creamy fluid contained within an abscess containing leukocytes, living and dead fluid exudate, fibrin, organisms living and dead tissue debris, e.g. nucleic acids and lipids.
  • Pyrexia
    The rise of the body temperature above normal level
  • Septicaemia
    The presence of organisms in the blood stream (the blood culture) which are usually associated with severe constitutional upset.
  • Sign
    Any mark or indication providing objective evidence of disease.