Minority influence and social change

Cards (24)

  • What is the definition of minority influence?

    When one person or a small group of people influences the behaviours and beliefs of others.
  • What are the 3 key factors for minority influence?

    Consistency, Commitment and flexibility
  • Describe consistency as a key factor of minority influence?

    Remaining consistant and saying the same thing over and over. There are two types: Synchronic and Diachronic.
  • What is Synchronic consistency?

    All members of the minority are saying the same thing
  • What is Diachronic Consistency?

    One or a few people say the same thing for long periods of time
  • Describe commitment in terms of minority influence
    Sometimes the members of a minority will engage in extreme behaviour that is extreme or dangerous. (Augmentation principle) Dedicating time can also demonstrate commitment.
  • What is Augmentation principle?

    Members of a minority will engage in extreme behaviour that is extreme or dangerous in order to prove their point.
  • Describe flexibility as a factor of minority influence.

    If a minority wants to persuade us to listen to them they must demonstrate a certain amount of flexibility, by being open to new views and counter arguing.
  • What is a real life influence of minority influence?
    Emmeline Pankhurst threw herself in front of a horse to show her commitment to women's rights.
  • What was Moscovici's expreiment?
    A group of 6 PPS were presented with blue slides and asked to say the colour. 2 of the PPS were actors and they either:
    - Always said the slides were green
    - Said the slides were green 2/3 of the time
  • What did Moscovici find?

    -When the confederates were consistent in their answers about 8% of participants said the slides were green
    -When the confederates answered inconsistently about 1% of participants said the slides were green.
  • What did Moscovici find about consistency?

    It is vital for minority influence to occur.
  • Describe Wood's meta-analysis for consistency

    He analysed over 100 minority influence studies and found overwhelming evidence that consistency is key.
  • Describe Nemeth's support for flexibility
    Groups were given a case of someone injured on a ski lift, and were asked to decide on a compensation amount. In the 1st variable the actor was flexible and argues a low price.But in the second variable the actor argues the low price but was not flexible.
  • What were the findings of Nemeths support for flexibility?

    3 other PPS were much more likely to change their view in the flexible condition, supporting the fact that flexibility is a key factor.
  • Describe the negative issue of minority influence
    Lab studies tend to be the only area of supporting research evidence. These are rife with issues involving lack of ecological validity due to the artificial nature of the task.
  • What is social change?
    The process of society evolving over time to accept new social norms, beliefs and expectations.
  • What are the 6 steps for social change?

    Drawing attention to the issue, Cognitive conflict, Consistency, The augmentation principle,the snowball effect and social cryptoamnesia.
  • What is drawing attention to the issue?
    The minority start campainges and advertisements to raise the issue.
  • What is Cognitive conflict?

    Majority experience guilt, forcing action in society
  • What is consistency?

    Minority keeps repeating their views
  • What is the augmentation principle?

    Someone does an extreme or dangerous act to prove their points.
  • What is the snowball effect?

    The minority becomes majority
  • What is social cryptoamnesia?

    Overtime forgetting how the movement started.