
Cards (32)

  • 4 main type of pathogen
    • virus
    • bacteria
    • fungi
    • protists
  • Months or years after the infection by HIV, the virus becomes active and attacks the patient's white blood cells. HIV at this point has resulted in AIDS.
     infected people are given antiviral drugs, which can significantly slow the development of AIDS.
  • bacteria
    • not all pathogens
    • Many bacteria, like those found in the intestines, are useful.
    • All bacteria are prokaryotes, and do not have a nucleus
    cannot be seen with microscope
  • not all fungi cause disease fungi diseases are athletes foot,chalara ash dieback
  • athlete foot symptoms
    • It causes dry, red and flaky or white, wet and cracked skin
  • athelte foot loaction
    • It is often found in communal areas like swimming pool changing rooms or gyms.
  • how is athletes foot transmitted
    • touching infected skin or surfaces that have been previous contaminated.
  • athletes foot cure
    • It is treated by antifungal medication.
  • A species of fungus called Hymenoscyphus fraxineus infects ash trees
  • Infected plants suffer the following symptoms:
    • leaf loss
    • die back of new shoots
    • bark lesions.
  • chalara ash dieback is a fungal infection
  • How to prevent the spread of diseases: sterilising water(example cholera)
    • Chemicals or UV light kill pathogens in unclean water.
  • How to prevent the spread of diseases: suitable hygiene-food(example salmonella)
    • Cooking foods thoroughly and preparing them in hygienic conditions kills pathogens.
  • How to prevent the spread of diseases: vaccinations(example tuberculosis)
    • Immunisations introduce a small or weakened version of a pathogen into your body, and the immune system learns how to defend itself.
  • How to prevent the spread of diseases: suitable hygiene-personal(athletes foot)
    • Washing surfaces with disinfectants kills pathogens. Treating existing cases of infection kills pathogens.
  • How to prevent the spread of diseases: contraception(example aids/HIV)
    • By using barrier contraception like condoms, it stops the transfer of bodily fluids and sexually transmitted diseases.
  • chlamydia(bacteria) symptoms/signs: painful urination, yellow or green discharge from vagina, painful sex,swollen testicles, bleeding between periods
  • If untreated, infection with Chlamydia can result in infertility. Like other bacterial infections, Chlamydia is treated by antibiotics.
  • What are the examples of bacteria
    Stomach ulcers
  • Malaria is a protist its spread by mosquitos(animal vectors)
    what's it symptoms?
    Fever,headache,damage to blood and liver
  • Whats the treatment for malaria?

    Mosquito nets and drugs
  • Whats the fungi examples?

    Chalara ash die back and athletes foot
  • Whats is HIV transferred by (has no cure)

    By bodily fluids and unprotected sex
  • Whats the symptoms of HIV
    Fever, diahorea,AIDS(antiviral drugs slow development of aids)
  • What are the symptoms of ebola(no cure)
    Fever,headaches,muscle weakness and diarrhea
  • Cholera is transferred by dirty water what's it syptoms?

    Dehydration, diarrhea,cramps
  • Whats the cholera treatment?

  • Whats tuberculosis sympotms

    Bad cough,tiredness,high tempature
  • How is tuberculosis transmitted?

    Sneeze or cough(airborne)
  • How is tuberculosis treated?

    BCG vaccine or antibiotics
  • Antibiotics treat stomach ulcers what is its symptoms 

    Loss of appetite,heartbroken