fault based claims on negligence

Cards (3)

  • problem 1 - cost
    the proving of fault by the C may be difficult or costly and prevent C seeking a remedy
    • Evidence - The Legal Aid Sentencing Act removed certain types of claims from legal aid including personal injury, C needs to pay for court fees, experts and insurance
    • Evaluation - unfair for C, C can use a 'no win, no free' agreement to fund a claim provided by a solicitor, if they win, D pays cost
  • Problem 2 - delays
    C can experience delays in getting compensation
    • Evidence - D will be insured for accident claims, investigations through insurance companies take a very long time, if court proceedings are issues for C, the claim can take a long time to get to the trial
    • Evaluation - fair that insurance company is given time to investigate but not fair for C to wait for compensation when they have to pay medical expenses
  • Reform
    a reform which could address both issues would be to introduce a state run benefit scheme, this would pay out compensation in a lump sum to all victims
    • Evidence - New Zealand have put a scheme into place, a range of benefits are paid out to victims
    • Evaluation - greatest benefit would be would be that benefits would be paid out to all those injured and disputes would be resolved quicker