Cards (9)

  • What is often considered the most important account in the Balance of Payments (BoP)?
    The Current Account
  • What does the Current Account record?
    The net income that an economy gains from international transactions
  • What are goods referred to as in the context of international trade?
    Visible exports/imports
  • What are services referred to as in the context of international trade?
    Invisible exports/imports
  • What does net income consist of?
    Income transfers by citizens and corporations
  • From whom are credits received in the Current Account?
    From UK citizens who are abroad sending remittances home
  • What are debits in the Current Account?
    Payments sent by foreigners working in the UK back to their countries
  • What are current transfers typically associated with?
    Payments at government level between countries
  • What is an example of a current transfer?
    Contributions to the World Bank