How does the location of the uterine fundus change in the first 24 hours after birth?
One hour after birth, the fundus will rise to the level of the umbilicus and stay there for 24 hours. The fundus then descends approximately 1cm per day, and by the 10th day it should no longer be palpable.
The three stages of lochia are: lochia rubra (dark red discharge, 1-3 days), lochia serosa (pink or brownish discharge, 4-7 days), and lochia alba (creamy or yellowish discharge, 7-10 days)
What are the three normal phases of a woman's emotional status in the postpartum period?
The three normal phases are: 1) Taking in (immediately after delivery to 2 days postpartum), 2) Taking hold (days 2-5 postpartum), and 3) Letting go (reestablishing relationships with others)
What is Homan's sign and why is it important to assess in the postpartum period?
Homan's sign is an indicator of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), where pain in the calf is produced by passive dorsiflexion of the foot. It should be assessed daily in the postpartum period.
What is postpartum blues and what are the typical characteristics?
Postpartum blues is a normal temporary state related to hormonal changes, role definition, fatigue, or pain. It typically begins 2-3 days after delivery and may last up to 10-14 days, with the woman "crying for no reason".
How does rooming-in benefit the mother-child relationship?
The more time a woman spends with her baby in the room, the sooner she may feel competent in childcare and the more likely she is to form a soundmother-childrelationship
What is the most important aspect of breastfeeding care to teach the mother?
The most important aspect is teaching the mother how to assist the infant in getting the nipple and areola properly into the mouth, known as "latch-on"